Monday, August 31, 2009


Bitstrips is a site where comics can be created, saved and published.

Here is an example of what Bitstrips can do..

Bitstrips is a very good resource to use in the classroom and how it can help children in the classroom to improve their literacy and have a better way of designing comics. The children will be able to concentrate more on the content of the comic rather than the quality of the drawing. The work done in the classroom can be done at home without the hassle of installing any new applications or programs. Students can simply load the web page, log in and start on their comic again.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Technology Tools

Today, we use Inspiration 6 to make a brainstorm of Technology Tools. My partner and I make up this list of features of Blogs, Wikis, BlackBoard and WebQuests. By being able to list what the techonology tool does, we are able to see which technology would be best to suit the activity. Feel Free to give some more input. =]

Monday, August 10, 2009


What do we think of when someone says "BLOGS"???

This is some words that other students in my class thought of..

We learnt how we can use blogs to set up discussions and post up information that can also be used in the classroom. Ideas like posting up a picture or text and getting the students to look at it, collaborate together and have a discussion about the picture or text.